The end of the Resident Labour Market Test

What does this mean for employers? From the 1st January 2021 the government abolished the resident labour market test (RMLT) for Tier 2 Skilled Workers. For companies that rely on skilled workers from outside of the UK this may be welcome news now that they have increased freedom to employ candidates from anywhere in the […]
IR35 – Does it Still Pay to be a Contractor?

The Introduction of IR35 Off Payroll Working Rules Prior to the introduction of the IR35 tax reforms the government estimated there were approximately £700m in taxes lost to the UK economy as a result of workers operating through intermediaries, disguised as employees. The IR35 off payroll working rules were introduced into the Public Sector in […]
<strong>The Future of Flexible Working</strong>

Over the last few years, the spotlight has been shone on flexible working more than ever before and, to a degree, forcing employers to be more generous in their offering of flexible working options. Certain forms of flexible working have appeared much more obvious than others, the big one clearly being the ability to work […]
Recruitment without the b**s

When considering recruitment or any other business decision, many of us can feel inclined to rely on tried and tested methods. ‘Things are fine as they are’, ‘It’s working ok for us at the moment’. Sound familiar? Whilst tried and tested methods may work, the question is, are there better options available that can reduce […]
IR35 Status Determination

From 6th April 2021 IR35 tax legislation was imposed in the private sector to stop individuals avoiding tax through ‘disguised employment’. In other words, preventing individuals from setting up as a limited company but still providing their services to a company that if hired directly would be subject to the same Tax and National Insurance […]
The New Normal for Hiring/Getting a Job

Thanks to the global pandemic we have all taken part in a huge global experiment (albeit forced) of working from home. There have been lots of lessons learnt, but one thing is for sure, as we now transition back to the office, most of us aren’t looking to resume full time, office hours. Equally our […]
Encouraging Staff Back to the Office

A part-remote, part-office schedule has been hailed as the future of work. In September 2021, when the UK Government announced an end to the work from home guidance, many employers introduced a permanent hybrid policy in what appeared to have become the norm. However, with the days of the pandemic somewhat behind us, some are […]
Workers to Gain Health and Safety Protection

Workers to gain Health and Safety protection previously extended to employees from 31st May 2021 From 31st May 2021 workers as well as employees will be afforded statutory protection from health and safety detriment. The Employment Rights Act 1996 (Protection from Detriment in Health and Safety Cases) Order 2021 (Regulations) grants workers s44 Employment Rights […]
The New Normal For Hiring/Getting a Job

Thanks to the global pandemic we have all taken part in a huge global experiment (albeit forced) of working from home. There have been lots of lessons learnt, but one thing is for sure, when we finally can go back to working in offices again, most of us won’t be going back full time. In […]
Who must comply with IR35 (‘off-payroll rules’)?

The government’s guidance confirms that the off-payroll rules will apply to private sector companies that meet two or more of the following conditions: they have an annual turnover of more than £10.2 million they have a balance sheet total* of more than £5.1 million they have more than 50 employees *Balance sheet total means ‘the […]